Account Creation
The first thing you will be asked when opening the Zion App is to login or create an account.
Open the Zion App and click "Create new account"
Click "Skip Access Code" Above Request for Access Code
DO NOT store your recovery phrase in a unsecure file on your device or in a cloud.
Unsecured recovery phrases on devices are often targeted by hackers.
Input the recovery phrase correctly into the input screen to ensure it was recorded correctly.
Attach an email to your Zion account or click "skip" if you would prefer not to.
Create a numeric passcode to lock your Zion App. Note: Your Passcode only locks the app on your device. Recovery keys are the only way to gain access to your account if you lose your passcode.
Fill out the account creation information including your username, display name, profile picture(recommended size: 400x400), and bio.
Last updated