
With Zion, your profile is your hub for all of your activity and connections on Zion. On your profile page you can do the following:

  • Edit/Delete your Profile

  • Manage your followers and and who you follow

  • Manage your community memberships

  • Manage Conversations

  • Manage profile settings and account details

Edit Profile

To Edit or delete your profile follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to your profile page and click the "..." on the top right-hand corner of your screen

  2. Click Edit Profile

Managing followers/following

Managing your followers and who you follow is simple with Zion. To manage them follow the instruction below:

  1. Go to your profile and click on followers or following

  2. Click on a follower or person you follow

  3. For Followers you can then click to remove them from your followers list without sending them a notification. For people you follow you can then click to stop following them.

Managing Conversations

To manage your non-community conversations on your profile follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to your profile page

  2. Click the "..." on the top right of a conversation to edit, share, or delete a conversation.

Note: Once conversations are deleted there is no way to recover them as you own all content on your profile and it is stored on your personal DWN.

Subscription Management

Subscribing with iOS on v2

  1. Click the 3 dots on the right-hand corner of the app.

  2. Click "Become a creator"

  3. Click "Upgrade"

  4. Double-click to subscribe

  5. Click OK

Canceling a subscription on iOS with v2

To manage your iOS subscription, such as cancellation, please follow Apple's support guide at:

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Tap your name (top right)

  3. Tap Subscriptions

  4. Find the Zion Subscription

  5. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.

See Apple Support for more information.

v1 Version (deprecated)

Note: The following instructions apply to the v1 version of the app. Please see above for the most up-to-date information.

To manage your subscription follow the steps below

  1. Navigate to your profile page and click the "..." on the top right-hand corner of your screen

  2. Click "Subscription and Billing"

    1. To cancel your subscription click "Cancel Subscription"

    2. To view your payment invoices click "View Invoices"

    3. To change your subscription payment information click "Update Payment Details"

      • Click the "..." on any of your cards under "Payment Methods" to edit/delete your payment information

      • Click "Add Card" to add a new card

      • Click the "..." on your billing details to edit your payment details

Profile Security and Settings

To manage your profile settings and to view your security details follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to your profile page and click the "..." on the top right-hand corner of your screen

  • Click "Security and Settings"

Email Address

  1. To change your email address click "Email Address"

    1. Input your new email address and click enter

    2. Check your email inbox for a verification email to verify your new email address

Change Pin Code

  1. To change your pin code click "Change Pin Code"

    1. Input your current pin code

    2. Input your new pin code

    3. Confirm new pin code by re-inputting your new code

Recovery Phrase

  1. To view your 12 word recovery phrase click "Recovery Phrase" and enter your pin code.

Boost Settings

  1. To manage your boost settings click "Boost Settings" and input your new default boost amount

Delete Profile

  1. To delete your profile click "Delete Profile"

    1. You will be reminded to save your 12 word recovery phrase if you ever want to recover your account

    2. Input you username to confirm you want to delete your profile and hit enter

Blocking/Reporting Another Profile

To Block another profile follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to the user profile you wish to block by clicking on their name in a conversation, on a follower/following list, or on a community member list

  • Click "..." on the top right hand corner of the screen

  • To block a profile click "Block USERNAME"

  • To report a profile click "Report USERNAME"

Last updated